Navigating the CPG Landscape: A Start-up Founder and CFO’s Perspective

February 28, 2024

12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM EST

Join us for ‘Navigating the CPG Landscape: A Start-up Founder and CFO’s Perspective’ on Feb 28th at 12pm PT/3pm ET, a webinar crafted for entrepreneurs and financial professionals in the CPG sector. 

Hosted by Jedannah Vieira, Consulting CFO & Head of Consumer Practice at Escalon, and Adair Ilyinsky and Nadine Abramcyk, Co-Founders of Tenoverten. This interactive Q&A session will explore the intricacies of CPG businesses, including Tenoverten’s unique inception story, their journey navigating through the evolving market landscape, and tips to partnering successfully with wholesalers and retailers. 

We’ll also tackle the complex challenges of making sound decisions as co-founders and offer valuable insights for start-ups looking to make their mark in the CPG industry. 

This webinar is not just a story of continued founder success but a toolkit for navigating the complexities of the CPG landscape with financial and operational acumen. Don’t miss this chance to gain insights from leaders who have mastered the art of balancing financial strategy with operational excellence in the fast-paced world of consumer goods.

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Yes, we will record the session, and the day after the webinar, we will upload it to our YouTube channel.

Yes, you can actively participate throughout this webinar by sending your questions to our moderator, who will share them with the speakers at the end of the session.

This webinar usually runs from 45-60 minutes. And yes, you can log in at any time throughout the session.