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AI & Financial Planning – How the Former Enhances the Latter

Posted by Devayani Bapat

June 9, 2024

AI has revolutionized different sectors. Find out how it could benefit your business’s financial planning.

In today’s world, managing one’s finances is more important than ever. With the rise of AI in banking and finance, frequent trips to the bank are becoming a thing of the past. AI has automated numerous financial processes, making them more convenient, efficient, and ideally suited for our fast-paced lives. But why limit the benefits of automation and intelligent advice to personal finance apps?

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AI is revolutionizing the tech and business sectors, particularly startups, thanks to advanced machine learning algorithms developed by some of the industry’s brightest minds. These innovations have transformed how modern businesses operate. Tech giants have recognized the value of automating tasks to enhance efficiency and leveraging AI for strategic financial planning  — both of which are crucial for fueling the growth of startups.

Every year, countless startups emerge, yet many fail within six to eight months of launching. In 2023 alone, Carta reported that 543 startups, each funded with a million dollars, shut down due to unforeseen financial challenges and rising interest rates. Integrating AI into financial planning can significantly reduce this shocking statistic.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how AI can assist businesses in planning and managing their finances more effectively. Think of it as a five-star review for AI—because it is the real deal. Let’s dive right in.

What does AI in Financial Planning mean?

Imagine the feeling of chaos just before planning a massive event, only to experience immense relief once you bring planners on board to handle every detail. That’s exactly what having AI in financial planning feels like for your day-to-day operations, whether running a small business, a startup, or a large multi-corporation. It’s a reassuring presence that takes care of the complexities, leaving you with a sense of control and confidence.

AI in finance takes care of mundane tasks and offers incredible benefits, such as detailed data insights that make intricate maps look simple and predictive analysis to help you avoid pitfalls before they become massive problems. With more profound accuracy and heightened efficiency, AI and machine learning are the messiahs of the business world, guiding small businesses through turbulent times one issue at a time.

What are the key AI technologies being used in financial planning?

Machine learning:

With the global fintech market predicted to reach $22.6B in 2025, firms, especially small businesses and startups, must adopt machine learning in their financial planning processes to reduce costs and maintain high cash flow.

Machine learning is revolutionizing financial planning for businesses by offering capabilities beyond traditional methods. ML uses advanced predictive analytics to analyze vast amounts of historical and real-time data, providing more accurate and relevant forecasts.

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Regarding risk management, a fundamental point that businesses, irrespective of size, must consider is that machine learning and AI have equipped software and platforms to analyze real-time data to detect potential risks and identify fraud patterns, thereby enhancing the proactive implementation of mitigation strategies. Automation of routine tasks like invoice processing and reconciliation reduces manual effort, leading to reduced human error, thereby catalyzing greater efficiency and accuracy.

Machine learning in finance doesn’t just provide insights, it transforms the way decisions are made. It offers personalized financial advice tailored to a business’s unique needs. This transformative technology significantly improves financial planning quality, giving businesses a competitive edge in today’s data-driven world. It’s a beacon of hope, showing the way to a more efficient and successful future.

Natural language processing:

Natural Language Processing is an absolute boon for business financial planning. It automates time-consuming tasks like customer support, generating real-time reports, and providing personalized financial advice.

Unlike the times when traditional methods of accounting and finance mimicked the telegrams sent back in the day, which would take months to process and get the message across, natural language processing makes everything available within the snap of your fingers. Traditional methods are time-consuming, require personnel, and are prone to errors; natural language processing offers speed, accuracy, scalability, and a considerable cost reduction. It allows the immediate analysis of varied and vast amounts of data, delivers timely insights (in real-time), and ensures compliance and risk management through automated document processing. By making financial data more accessible and understandable through natural language queries and voice recognition, natural language processing further enhances decision-making and efficiency, ultimately transforming financial planning into a more effective, organized, and streamlined process.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA):

Before RPA:

Monday: Balance books, generate reports, check for expenses, stay updated with the newest compliance rules and regulations, and manage other daily tasks. 

Rest of the Week: Repeat all of the above.

After RPA:

Finance teams can now focus on strategic tasks, as all mundane tasks have been automated.

Robotic Process Automation revolutionizes financial planning by automating repetitive, rule-based tasks traditionally performed by humans. In financial management, especially for businesses, RPA enhances efficiency and accuracy through automated data entry, expense management, financial reporting, and account reconciliation. It ensures compliance, reduces errors, and saves time, allowing finance teams to focus on strategic decision-making. RPA supports better budgeting, forecasting, and payroll management by providing real-time data and predictive insights. Compared to traditional methods, RPA offers significant efficiency, cost savings, scalability, and decision-making benefits, making it an indispensable tool for modern businesses.

The Future of AI in Financial Planning

According to a Statista report, the US AI industry is estimated to reach a market volume of $826.70 billion by 2030. This impressive statistic highlights the promising future of AI in business financial planning.

As AI and tech continue to evolve and grow and brilliant minds continue to contribute to this data-driven world, one can anticipate introducing and developing highly sophisticated tools offering more profound insights and precise predictions. The evolution of AI will bring innovative solutions that were once unimaginable. Just as traditional banks have given way to online banking and e-commerce has revolutionized shopping, AI is set to transform financial planning. For businesses, this means significant cost savings, as software can now perform a task in real-time that teams would traditionally do and take days or sometimes even months, depending on the complexity. While there are concerns about AI impacting jobs, its potential to enhance strategic financial planning and capitalize on growth opportunities is not just undeniable, but also urgent.

Looking ahead, AI will likely integrate more seamlessly with business systems, providing a comprehensive view of financial health and enabling more precise strategic planning. Future advancements may include enhanced real-time analytics, improved risk assessment models, and more intuitive user interfaces. These innovations will make financial planning, especially for small businesses and startups with a hold on their monetary resources, far more accessible and practical, driving efficiency and fostering growth. It’s a future full of possibilities, where AI is the catalyst for innovation and success.

The Key Takeaway:

AI has revolutionized financial planning, offering unprecedented efficiency, accuracy, and strategic insight. From machine learning and natural language processing to robotic process automation, AI-powered finance technologies have transformed how businesses manage their finances, making processes faster and more insightful.

As discussed in this article, AI automates routine tasks and provides valuable predictive analytics and real-time data. This enables businesses to make informed decisions and avoid potential risks, fostering a strategic advantage. Integrating AI into financial planning allows companies to focus on strategic growth and innovation rather than being burnt down by repetitive tasks.

Looking ahead, the future of AI in financial planning is auspicious. With the market all set to expand significantly, we can expect even more advanced tools that offer deeper insights and seamless integration with other business systems, and it is these advancements that are sure to prove fruitful in the long run. Embracing AI in financial planning is a necessary evolution for companies aiming to thrive in a data-driven world. By leveraging and investing in the power of AI, companies can enhance their financial health, make smarter decisions, and ultimately achieve more tremendous self-sustained success.

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Want to know more? Since 2006, Escalon has helped thousands of startups get off the ground with our back-office solutions for accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, HR, payroll, insurance, and recruiting — and we can help yours, too. Talk to an expert today.

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. Escalon and its affiliates are not providing tax, legal, or accounting advice in this article. If you would like to engage with Escalon, please get in touch with us here.


Devayani Bapat
Devayani Bapat

With 6 years of experience in copywriting and social media management across genres, Devayani's heart lies with weaving words into stories and visuals into carefully crafted narratives that’ll keep you wanting more. She carries with her, her pocket notebook, a trusted confidante that goes with her wherever she goes, and scribbles down into it anecdotes on the go. Her secret weapon for keeping all things copy interesting! Apart from writing, Devayani is huge on travelling. You'll find her booking her next adventure while she's on her current one. And while on those adventures, you'll find her devouring true crime books one after the other. Whether it's a low down on a recent case or one that occurred 70 years ago, she can cook up a story narration you'll never forget.

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