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5 Things You Should Do Before Starting Your NPO

Posted by Devika Hastak

July 18, 2024

Get a strong start on your nonprofit journey with these five crucial steps to guide your planning and research.

So, you want to impact the world, build a legacy, and help people. You may have even identified a cause or issue you’re passionate about supporting or solving. Your next thought is to start a nonprofit organization (NPO), but you need help figuring out where to start. That’s where we can help.

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Starting a nonprofit organization is like embarking on any new venture. It demands meticulous planning, thorough research, effort, and persistence. In fact, with nonprofit organizations, there are some factors that you will have to pay additional attention to, mainly nonprofit accounting processes. But remember, each step you take towards this goal is a step towards making a significant impact.

Let’s dive into the top 5 things you should do before starting your own NPO and how you can get started with support from financial planning experts for nonprofits.

     1. Lay The Groundwork

Your first step, standard across any new venture you undertake, is to do your homework and devise a plan. This involves extensive market research, a needs assessment, and reflecting on your personal goals and values.

Start by looking inward and reflecting on why your identified cause or issue is essential to you. Get clear on your personal values, goals, and motivating factors, and ask yourself what you hope to achieve by establishing this nonprofit. Also, reflect on whether you can commit the time and resources required to establish and run a nonprofit.

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Then, conduct a needs assessment — look up statistics or previously conducted research to determine whether your passionate idea will serve a purpose or offer a viable solution to a problem. Talk to people on the ground, especially in communities you’d like to help, to see what they need the most support with. Find out if other organizations are doing similar or related work, and explore opportunities to support or complement their work or consider collaborating with them to create a more significant impact.

Carry out market research to map out your target audiences – communities or causes that could benefit from your NPO, the people whose support you can count on, and those who believe in your cause. You can gather this information using research methods such as surveys, focus groups, and in-person canvassing.

This stage is crucial as it helps you establish clear plans and goals, among the five things a nonprofit needs to succeed. Your research will help you define your mission, vision, and purpose and identify your strengths and challenges, creating a stronger foundation for your organization. It will also clarify what resources you can contribute versus the additional support you need when considering budgeting for nonprofit organizations.

     2. Establish A Solid Foundation

Now that you have all your data in place, it’s time to solidify your ‘why’ and ‘how’ and determine who can help you achieve your mission. Craft your mission and vision statements, iron out your organizational philosophy and values, and decide on a name for your organization. These will serve as your ‘north star,’ regularly reminding you and your employees what you’ve set out to do, how you plan to do it, and the values that will govern your work. According to DonorBox, one of the characteristics of a successful nonprofit is having a mission-oriented culture. This is the heart of your organization, the driving force that will inspire you and your team every day.

You can only establish a strong foundation by appointing effective leadership to help ensure your organization’s long-term success. Select a strong board of directors who will look out for your organization’s best interests, provide you with valuable guidance, and prioritize your mission above all else. Your board of directors should consist of those who share your interests, believe in your cause, and possess the skills and expertise to help you achieve your mission.

With your earlier market research, map out personas to help you determine your ideal supporters – donors, volunteers, or employees. Look at demographics, age, lifestyle, and belief in your cause. This will also support your nonprofit accounting processes by identifying reliable funding sources and additional resource needs.

     3. Build Your Structure

Next, it’s time to finalize the structure of your NPO. Decide on the business structure that best matches your needs – a corporation, association, or limited liability company. Familiarize yourself with tax rules for nonprofits in the United States and clarify the type of nonprofit organization you would be according to the Internal Revenue Service tax code. Make sure to apply for your tax-exempt status to officially establish yourself as a nonprofit.

Develop your business plan, providing details on your market analysis, community impact, organizational structure, financial, operational, and marketing strategy, and the programs, products, and services you will offer. Experts in financial planning for nonprofits can help you develop an impactful business plan to start your NPO journey on the right foot.

     4. Get Financial Reinforcement

Before you launch your nonprofit, you must raise money to support your startup costs while you build awareness and momentum. Use your business plan to explore funding opportunities such as grants, membership programs, and corporate sponsorships with the previously mapped out personas, approach eligible donors to diversify your funding sources, and shore up your budgeting for nonprofit organizations.

     5. Launch Your Nonprofit

The only thing left to do now is to launch your marketing plan, build awareness, and garner support for your cause. Establish your online presence through your website, social media, and email marketing. Spread the word through your personal and professional networks and LinkedIn contacts. Encourage your leadership, as well as yourself, to book speaking opportunities to raise awareness.

Final Thoughts

Successfully establishing and running a nonprofit organization takes diligent planning and preparation. Even though you are setting out to do good in the world, your organization will be subject to greater scrutiny since it relies on people’s generosity and belief in your cause. With these five crucial steps, you are ready to start your journey towards establishing an impactful NPO. For additional support with navigating donor management, financial reporting, and tax rules for nonprofits in the United States, you can rely on experts who provide specialized nonprofit business support.

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Want to know more about starting your NPO? Since 2006, Escalon has helped thousands of nonprofit organizations and startups get off the ground with our back-office solutions for accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, HR, payroll, insurance, and recruiting — and we can help yours, too. Talk to an expert today.

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. Escalon and its affiliates are not providing tax, legal, or accounting advice in this article. If you would like to engage with Escalon, please contact us here.


Devika Hastak
Devika Hastak

Devika Hastak is a dynamic content writer who is passionate about using the power of the written word to promote knowledge sharing and drive business success. She is adept at crafting compelling content tailored to client objectives and successfully executing SEO strategies that significantly impact brand awareness and lead generation. When she’s not wielding her digital pen, you can find her conducting culinary experiments in the kitchen or enjoying a good laugh with her family and friends.

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