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What You Should Include in a B2B Holiday Marketing Campaign

Posted by sayam

December 2, 2020

Launching a B2B holiday marketing campaign can help you build a mutually beneficial relationship with your target audience. You can achieve this by distributing useful content at the right time and frequency, in different formats, and through a variety of channels.

B2B firms can increase their brand awareness and promote their services via email marketing. The key to generating the most results through your B2B holiday marketing strategy is to plan ahead. Check out this list of details that companies should include in their B2B holiday marketing emails to maximize success.

  • Include the content that can help readers in their decision-making processes

    Share your expertise to show that you can overcome industry challenges. Send graphs depicting the growth of your business and your plans for the next year.
  • Attach

    tutorials, infographics, whitepapers or videos

    to your email to help readers understand your products or services easily.
  • Send a personalized holiday greeting card

    to thank your current customers with a warm note of appreciation for their support during the past year.
  • Review and share insights about

    business software, tools and technologies to help your prospects in their buying cycle for the coming year.
  • You can highlight your significant business upgrades or achievements

    of the year or share holiday-themed content that attracts the attention of your prospects.
  • Send out checklist-format content that covers important end-of-year and beginning-of-year to-dos

    within the industry to provide value to your readers. Leaders often like to read a checklist to finish out the year or start the year right.
  • Provide your customers with useful and valuable strategies

    .You can share effective marketing ideas for the New Year or easy-to-follow steps to help your customers use your software, technology or service.
  • Give your direct contact information

    to your email recipients and let them know the best way to contact you in case they ever have questions.
  • Remind your clients of the positive experiences they had working with you and encourage them to write reviews on Google, Yelp or other reviewing sites.

  • Use images, GIFs, designs and

    other eye-catching techniques

    in your content to liven up your emails and highlight deals or offers on your products and services.
  • There is no single email campaign that is suitable for your entire mailing list. Therefore, consider aspects like culture and geographic region

    when sending a holiday-themed email.
  • Share research reports, including

    statistics and trends in your industry, New Year predictions and more. Such content can help you attract new clients.
  • Send a special holiday offer or discount

    . Congratulate your clients on specific successes from the past year, or share a branded holiday message. Good discounts can serve as the right incentive for businesses to buy even at the end of the year.
  • Customize your greeting cards according to your clients’ needs.

    This will help you stand out from the pile of mail that arrives during holiday time.
  • Show your gratitude by sharing

    customer testimonials or case studies in a powerful content format, such as a video or slide-share presentation. This can provide value to your readers and strengthen the perception of your brand as a thought leader.
  • Give users a list of top industry trends, as well as a list of ideas for how to drive those trends

    with data wrapped in an easy-to-understand infographic.
  • Christmas and New Year can provide you with opportunities to cash in on valuable content that leaders are already looking for.

    Offering users your most popular content of the year

    can help you attract new clients.



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