Whether you’re creating a logo for the first time or redesigning an existing logo, there are some necessary steps to take.
Your logo has a huge impact on your business – it literally defines you and tells your audience who you are.
While some companies get it right the first time, others struggle through redesign after redesign.
Let’s take a look at things to consider when designing or redesigning a logo for your brand.
First, let’s take a look at some of the things to consider when designing a logo.
Prepare to Spend Some Money
Good logo designers are expensive.
They are also the creative type, so you want to give them not only a budget but a timeline.
Your logo is the “face” of your brand, and you want to make sure you allocate enough money to its design.
How much you spend depends on the size of your business and whether or not you have an idea in mind.
To maximize your budget, consider all the places you’ll use your logo and make sure your designer provides your logo in all the necessary formats.
Consider the Persona of Your Company
When working with a logo designer, it helps to have some idea of what you’re after.
Be prepared to give your designer a synopsis of what your company does and what it stands for.
This isn’t a list of your products and services. This is the very essence of your company.
What makes you tick? Why do you do what you do?
Your goal is to convey the reason and the purpose or your company. Think about any emotions you’d like to evoke. Ask yourself what makes you unique.
Give your designer some ideas that will resonate with your potential customers because your logo should shout your brand. It should reflect the very inner workings of your business.
Keep It Simple
Simplicity is key. Why?
Your logo will be reproduced in numerous sizes from very small to very large. You want it to look good at all sizes and resolutions.
Too much text, and it gets lost at smaller sizes.
In addition, think of the big-name logos like Apple and Nike. They’re very simple while conveying their principles.
Now let’s look at some things to consider when redesigning your logo.
Has Your Business Changed?
A redesign is sometimes necessary when your business model has changed or expanded.
Be sure it’s necessary before moving forward. Ask yourself if your mission, values, and purpose have evolved.
Is Your Audience New?
Has your customer base changed?
For example, your target demographic and audience used to be Millennials, but now it’s Baby Boomers.
If so, your logo may not resonate anymore. A new logo can help you connect with your audience, so try a survey to find out what people think of your current logo.
Is Your Logo Outdated?
Sometimes a redesign is necessary because your logo wasn’t designed with longevity in mind.
Perhaps your colors or fonts are completely out of date. Or, your logo may not be compatible with the different displays available today.
If you decide on a redesign, don’t make the same mistake twice. Design a logo with the future in mind.
Final Thoughts
Now that you know what to consider when designing or redesigning a logo for your brand, we leave you one last thought: timelessness.
You want a logo that resonates as much in 10 years as it does now.
Consider the Nike logo. While it has had some minor changes throughout the years, one thing has never changed, and that’s the iconic “swoosh.”
Stay away from the trendy and the gimmicky. Choose a logo that works for the long-term so you don’t have to repeat the painful redesign process down the road.
Finally, sometimes a logo refresh is all that’s needed. This is a question worth considering.
A refresh is less expensive and much less dramatic. It may be a small makeover that updates your logo to work with the modern era.
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