Dozens of famous companies launched during down economic periods, from The Walt Disney Company to FedEx and beyond. If you’re on the fence about whether it might be a good time to launch a business, consider these five reasons why it might be beneficial to consider it.
Less Marketing Competition
Reduced competitive activity during a recession provides opportunities to have more impactful product launches. Firms that prepare comprehensive plans for their product marketing, intensify R&D activities and upgrade their products for the beginning of economic recovery can enjoy the prime-mover advantage.
Opportunities for New Tools and Services
A recession creates opportunity for entrepreneurs to come up with new tools and services that solve real problems that are going on in the world. Things that save consumers money and immediately address crises make their lives easier. Delivering such innovation will enable a business to grow and scale, even through tough times.
Decreased Recruiting Costs
During a recession, a reduced hiring volume in the economy at large will allow startups to hire top talent, often at a lower budget. With fewer companies hiring staff members, you will have less competition when working to get an interview with a prime candidate.
Smart Investors Seek Investments
Smart investors understand that a recession is a good time to invest in a business that is serving the current demands of the marketplace, or following new trends. You might not see as many exits taking place, but fewer launches taking place could allow you to find just the right investor seeking a partnership.
Cheaper Raw Materials or Resources
Startups can buy major resources by taking advantage of sale prices on the materials and services they need to launch. Everyone from manufacturers to marketers will be likely to discuss special recession pricing, which could allow you to launch with a lower budget than you would have during a strong economic period.