According to the Harvard Business Review, nearly 90% of American workers would take a lower paying job if they had the option for a flexible work schedule.
Those numbers are sure to be similar across the globe. Why? In today’s digital age, employees understand that for many jobs, they are able to work remotely. It provides a certain freedom not traditionally found in the workplace.
What’s more, when they work remotely, they are happier, and their productivity soars. Flexible work schedules are good for employee morale and in turn for your startup.
What is the Flexible Work Schedule?
First, let’s dig a little deeper into the different iterations of the flexible schedule.
For some startups and employees, a flex arrangement may mean that employees can work remotely. They might work at home or have the flexibility to park themselves and their laptop at the local coffee shop.
Other businesses and their teams might define the flexible schedule as being able to make their own hours. For example, Bob isn’t a morning person, so he arrives at work at 10 am and stays until 8 pm. Mary hates working during the evenings, so she comes to work at 7 am.
Finally, others might define it as flexible hours. For example, they work 10 hours on Monday through Thursday and they take Friday off. They work their forty hours when it works for them.
Make Your Expectations Known
In order for flexible schedules to work for your startup, you want to set some parameters. These would be laid out by your human resources team and in your employee handbook.
Let your team know you expect a full-time employee to work the required hours. For salaried staff, this may mean more than the 40 hours.
Next, you want to let them know whether it’s a compressed work week, flexible hours, or flexible locations that are acceptable. It may be just one, or it may be all three.
Your staff should work out these arrangements with you or their direct manager. Some examples may include:
- Four 10-hour days – these give your employee more work-life balance and give them an extra day for appointments, etc.
- Working from home three days per week and in the office two – you may find productivity increases.
- The ability to work any five days they’d like. For example, they may work Sunday-Thursday, taking Friday and Saturday off. This usually only works if the position isn’t public-facing.
- A daily flex schedule – employee works 11 am – 7 pm instead of nine to five. You may want to require staff for certain hours during the day. For example, they must be there between noon and four, but after that, you are flexible.
- A complete come-and-go schedule. You trust your employees to get the work done wherever they are. You may find you want to require at least five-10 hours in the office for some face-time.
Putting It All Together
Flexible schedules are a new wave idea for many startup owners, and if you agree to do this with your business, it’s imperative that you set parameters.
Flex scheduling requires trust on your part, and it requires hard work and diligence on the party of your employees. When you work this way, everyone should be aware of their teammates scheduling so they are informed.
In addition, put goals and objectives in place so you can measure your employees progress. They should have clear expectations of what you expect so there’s no room to take advantage of you.
Employees should know how many hours are expected and what kind of work they should show for it.
You must have good communication lines, so everyone is on the same page. Set firm guidelines, implement them, and stick with them.
Finally, make sure the adaptation of flexible schedules is consistent across your workforce, or you’ll cause immediate tension and conflict.
In the end, you’ll find that flex working conditions are one of the most appreciated benefits of employees, young, old and in-between.
The advantages of this type of working arrangement are ultimately good for them and for you.
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