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Infographic: The Pros and Cons of Organizing As a Non-Profit

Posted by Tasnim Ahmed

August 18, 2020

When you’re planning to launch a startup, one of the first considerations you face is which business type best suits your burgeoning company. While you may be set on filing as an LLC or an S-Corp, one other option appeals to many entrepreneurs: the non-profit structure.
Creating a non-profit can be a great plan for companies that perform educational, charity, scientific, literary or religious work benefiting the public, and these organizations may be exempt from paying taxes. However, there are some important considerations you should know if you’re thinking of organizing your business this way. Check out a few of those below.
Pros and cons of forming a nonprofit


Tasnim Ahmed
Tasnim Ahmed

Tasnim Ahmed is a content writer at Escalon Business Services who enjoys writing on a multitude of subjects that include finops, peopleops, risk management, entrepreneurship, VC and startup culture. Based in Delhi NCR, she previously contributed to ANI, Qatar Tribune, Marhaba, Havas Worldwide, and curated content for top-notch brands in the PR sphere. On weekends, she loves to explore the city on a motorcycle and binge watch new OTT releases with a plateful of piping hot dumplings!

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