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13 Ways Founders Can Make Time for Their Health

Posted by sayam

February 1, 2021

Many entrepreneurs work so hard on their businesses to achieve their goals that they don’t take time to ensure they stay healthy. However, entrepreneurs must relax and recharge so they can stay fit and ensure the success of their organization. Here are the top 13 tips and techniques that business leaders can use to prioritize their physical and mental health while running a business.

Prioritize Self-Care Efforts

It’s easy to get lost in tasks, but sitting for eight hours a day is not good for your health. Taking the time to take care of your mental, emotional and physical health is the key to self-care. It may include reading a book, eating healthy, listening to music, or taking a stroll up and down the staircase before a big meeting — essentially, whatever works best for you.

Take Advantage of Your Commute Time

Try to minimize your commute time or utilize the time by listening to a podcast, audiobook or a devotional or motivational speech while traveling to the office. Whether you prefer magazines, newspapers, books or daily headlines, reading can help you sharpen your memory and generate new and innovative ideas to grow your company.

Sleep Well

At least seven hours of sleep is crucial for adults’ well-being. Those who sleep less than that are more likely to have chronic health conditions. You can use fitness bands to keep track of your health. They can track things like sleep duration, heart rate and calories burned.

Adopt a Morning Routine of Exercise

Exercise is essential for having a healthy mind and body, especially for those who sit in their offices all day. You can hit the gym, ride a bicycle, run, walk or do something else that gets your pulse going. A daily dose of exercise can also be enough to alleviate anxiety or stress.

Embrace Meditation

Meditation is a simple way of keeping your mind clear from stressful thoughts, doubts and fears. Meditating for even 10 minutes a day can help you regulate emotion, be more focused and reduce stress. Yoga and meditation are popular practices among high achievers that help them stay fit and energetic all day.

Take Time Off

Taking time away from screens allows you to be proactive and provides you with time to reconnect with your family and friends. Schedule time for happy hour with friends or family, or plan a day to yourself, for instance.

Following hobbies other than your profession, like art and sports, can give you breathing space and help you avoid burnout.

Seek Advice

Taking advice from a business coach, therapist or expert can help you overcome challenges, stay fit or reevaluate priorities. Networking with like-minded people can also be good for your mental health and help you set off the path to success.

Disconnect From Work

Disconnecting from work means no emails, Slack messages or meetings intruding upon your personal time. Many successful people believe that taking a real break from work can do wonders for your productivity, mental health and overall well-being. So keep your weekend to relax and refuel for the week ahead whenever possible.


Effective delegation means you have more time for scheduling downtime and taking substantial time off. As your business expands, you should assign or outsource your responsibilities to skilled team members to focus on more important matters. If there's something that someone can do a little better than you or is less important, let others do those things.

Use Technology to Automate Tasks

Leveraging technology for automation helps you streamline and reduce time spent on various tasks. Putting things on autopilot, such as scheduling social media posts and email newsletters, can help you take time off when needed.

Prioritize the Most Important Tasks Daily

You must know when to say “no” — avoid anything that is not in line with your work or that’s unproductive. Having self-awareness, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, and devising a strategy to prioritize your task list will help you feel satisfied at work. Allocate your time to the most worthwhile tasks that can help you meet your goals, and outsource tasks that take up a significant amount of time to improve your efficiency.

Schedule Everything

Scheduling your day early in the morning enables you to create a priority list of tasks and plan out your breaks during the day. Utilize apps and technology to organize your schedule and maintain a work-life balance. Even schedule personal time so you don't work for too long and so you carve out time for yourself and your family.

Limit Your Meetings

Don't plan frequent meetings, and set a strict time limit on the ones you do need to hold unless you’re dealing with an extremely urgent matter. If you must have them, make sure they are focused, punctual and effective. This way, you can save more time every day.



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