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6 Signs That It’s Time to Outsource Your Accounting

Posted by Kanika Sinha

November 17, 2023

Learn when it’s time to outsource your small business accounting.

Staying ahead of the curve is crucial for the long-term success of any business. One of the most effective strategies for achieving this can be outsourcing accounting needs. Any redistribution of services has proven to be a game-changer for small businesses seeking to reach their full potential.

But how do you know it’s the right time to delegate your accounting and finance tasks to an external company? Considering budgetary concerns or hyper-specific requirements, an external agency will tailor their services to your company’s unique needs.   

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Here are six key indicators that it may be time to externalize your accounting responsibilities.

1. Lack of resources

Recruiting, training, and retaining skilled accounting staff demand significant financial investment, time, and human resources. If your business needs these resources, outsourcing may be the solution. Entrusting your accounting to an outsourced team provides access to top-tier professionals, saving both money and the responsibility of managing in-house staff. 

2. Process is hampering business operations

Suppose accounting begins to take time away from the functioning of your business. In that case, it’s time to consider hiring an external agency. The more time you spend on handling accounting, the less time you spend on your core business activities. Outsourcing your bookkeeping and accounting function can give you more time, energy, and, importantly, a deep bench of experts when it comes to crunching numbers and maintaining your books.

3. Missing deadlines

Consider outsourcing accounting if you are constantly missing your monthly deadline. It also works when you need to catch up on reports or meet your bank’s or other lenders’ reporting requirements.  

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It gives you access to seasoned professionals well-versed in accounting best practices, regulations, and the latest financial technologies, ensuring accuracy and compliance in your financial records.

4. Skill sets don’t match needs

If your accounting team’s skills need to be updated, it’s time to look outside the organization. Hiring a service that can better return on capital and boost accounting efficiency is the need of the hour. After all, remaining relevant in a dynamic environment is an unmistakable advantage.

5. Makes sense strategically

It doesn’t just have to be a budget constraint or resource shortage; sometimes, outsourcing accounting is strategic. The outsourced accounting firm often has seasoned professionals and internal resources that would take a company years to build up. By tapping into this external expertise, businesses can enhance efficiency and focus on core operations, driving overall success.

6. Business growth

As your business expands, your accounting becomes even more critical, and your finances become more complicated. Outsourced accounting teams ensure your books are accurate and up to date. Besides, they identify revenue-boosting and cost-cutting opportunities; they can help you devise a financial strategy to achieve your business goals.

The final word

Venturing into outsourced accounting can elevate your experience, offering tremendous success and growth opportunities. By recognizing the signs outlined above, you might discover that outsourcing your finance operations could be a new business opportunity that you need to take.

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Want to know more about startups and what it takes to get started? Since 2006, Escalon has helped thousands of startups get off the ground with our back-office solutions for accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, HR, payroll, insurance, and recruiting — and we can help yours, too. Talk to an expert today. 

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. Escalon and its affiliates are not providing tax, legal or accounting advice in this article. If you would like to engage with Escalon, please contact us here.


Kanika Sinha
Kanika Sinha

Kanika is an enthusiastic content writer who craves to push the boundaries and explore uncharted territories. With her exceptional writing skills and in-depth knowledge of business-to-business dynamics, she creates compelling narratives that help businesses achieve tangible ROI. When not hunched over the keyboard, you can find her sweating it out in the gym, or indulging in a marathon of adorable movies with her young son.

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